1. Let E, F be two Banach spaces, /a continuous linear mapping of E into F such that
/(E) = F; then, there exists a number m > 0 such that for any y e F, there is an x e E
for which/(*) = y and ||*|| < m\\y\\ (12,16.12).

(a) If (yn) is a sequence of points of F which converges to a point by show that there
exists a subsequence (ynk), and a sequence (xk) of points of E, which converges to a
point a and is such that f(xk) = ynk for every k. (Take (ynk) such that the series of
general term \\ynk+i - ynk\\ is convergent.)

(b) Let u be a compact mapping of E into F, and let v = /— u. Show that v(E) is
closed in F and has finite codimension in F. (Follow the same pattern as in the proof
of (11.3.2), using (a).)

(c) Define inductively FA = t?(E), Fk+1 = v(f'1(Fk)) for k ^ I; show that there is an
integer n such that Ffc+i = Ffc for k ^ n (same method).

(d) Take E=Fto be a separable Hilbert space, and let (en)n&i be a Hilbert
basis of E. Define/and u such that f(en) = en-s for n ^ 4,f(en) = 0 for n ^ 3, nfe) =
£n_2/fl for n ^ 6, «(<?i) = w(<?3) = 0, «(e2) = — e2, «(£*) — <?i, w(es) = <?2 -f G?s/5). Define
inductively N! = iT^O), N^ «= t^H/CN*)) for k ^ 1; show that the Nfc are all distinct
and finite dimensional.

2. Let E, F be two normed spaces, /a linear homeomorphism of E onto a closed subspace
/(E) of F, u a compact mapping of E into F, and let v = /— u.

(a) Show that v~l(Q) is finite dimensional and v(E) is closed in F; furthermore, if
y-i(O) = {0}, t;is a linear homeomorphism of E onto v(E). (Follow the same method
as in (11.3.2).)

(b) Define inductively NI = t?"a(0), N*+i = ^(/(N*)) for k ^ 1; show that there is
an integer n such that N/t+1 = Nfc for k > n.

(c) Give an example in which, when FI = v(E), and Ffc + i = v(f~*(Fk)) for k ^ 1,
the Ffc are all distinct (take for E = F a separable Hilbert space, and for / and u the
adjoints (Section 11.5) of the mappings noted/and u in Problem l(d)).

3. Let E be a Banach space, g a continuous linear mapping of E onto itself such that
||#||<J; then f=^\E — g is a linear homeomorphism of E onto itself (
Let u be a compact operator in E, and let v=f— «; then the statements in (11.3.2)
and (11.3.3) are all valid. (First prove the following result, corresponding to (11.3.1):
if M <= L, M =£ L and v(L) c M, there is an a E L n C M such that \\a\\ ^ 1 and for any
x e M such that \\x\\ ^ 1, \\u(a) - u(x)\\ ^ (1 - 2||#||)/2.)

4. In the space E = I1 (Section 5.7, Problem 1; we keep the notations of that problem),
let/ be the automorphism of E such that/(<?2k) = <?2*+2 (k ^ 0),/(^) = <?0, /(<?2k+i) =
e2fc_i for k^\9 and let u be the compact mapping such that u(en) = 0 for n ^ 1, and
u(ei) = e0. If v —f— u, and the Ffc and Nfc are defined as in (11.3.3), show that N*+i ^
Nk and Ffc+l ^ Ffc for every k.

(11.4.1) Let u be a compact operator in a complex normed space E. Then:
(a) The spectrum Sofu is an at most denumerable compact subset of C,
each point of which, with the possible exception o/O, is isolated; 0 belongs to S
ifE is infinite dimensional.